The blog logo features a cartoon of a yellow lab wearing a guide dog harness. The s in the words Guidedogtales ends in the shape of a dog's wagging tail.

One Friday at the Capitol Hill Club, Galahad visits the U.S. Capitol on his afternoon stroll. A fur-miliar place for the retired pup. The Capitol steps and rotunda can be seen directly behind a seated Galahad. It is a sunny day with a few puffy white clouds.


This bio was written a few weeks prior to Galahad’s passing. Sharing in his memory.

Hello and welcome,

I’m Galahad, named for the most gallant knight in all of King Arthur’s court. For nine years, I served as Pat’s knight in shining armor, or shining fur rather. I’m now retired and spend my days living it up with Pat and Hogan on Capitol Hill.

I’m a loyal and affectionate 14-year-old lab. As one might expect from a knight and a guide dog, I’m well behaved and obedient. But I can be playful too. My puppy raisers in Vermont, Linda and her daughters, describe me as a big love and a big goof. Make no mistake though, I’m still ready to help Pat whenever he needs me. The Guiding Eyes community did a great job preparing me for this incredible journey.

Pat and I have done it all: metro, bus, airplanes, national TV. We’ve visited really interesting haunts around DC and traveled internationally to some remarkable places. I’ve been with Pat through thick and thin fur, but he’s also helped me. Six years ago, I was given a pretty grim cancer diagnosis. But with the help of Pat and my human friends, I’ve survived and I’ve thrived.

Many people lent a healing hand with my long-term cancer remission. A big woof-out to my great doctors and the staff at Friendship Hospital for Animals, as well as my special veterinary acupuncturists. You have helped me live my best life.

To be honest, the hardest part of my cancer recovery was trying to take it easy. I know I was supposed to rest, but I was eager to get back to work. Pat’s family also helped out, so in those recovery days, I sometimes had to just amuse myself by rearranging the pillows on my couch.

Now that I’m retired, I occasionally miss those fun-filled days of going into the office with Pat. On the other hand, it’s pretty great to just relax around the house and tease Hogan by hiding my old toys from him. Still, I like mentoring the young pup and helping him figure out how to settle down a little. I’ve learned a lot over the years and pass along as many stories and tips as I can to the boys.

During my free time, which is pretty much all day, I visit neighbors and take strolls to the park. I try to lift the spirits of those around me. And I’m careful to guide Pat around the Hill, even if he insists on using his cane for some reason. It’s a little tougher getting around at 14, but I’m enjoying every minute.

Thanks for checking out my bio. I’m sending you a big virtual hug, plus my signature lick!

A closeup of Galahad during his Guiding Eyes training as he prepares to cross the street. Galahad looks focused on his mission. DC firemen and members of the American Legion stand with Galahad in front of a red firetruck and show off the Legion's new blue banner. Ever the food-oriented pup, he is focused on the treats in his dog walker Julie's pocket. On his thirteenth birthday, a distinguished Galahad hangs out on the red carpet in Pat's living room. The shot is taken from above and Galahad has his mouth partly open.
During his training, Galahad leads Pat past a sign for the Westchester County NY Board of Elections. It's a bright sunny day and Pat is wearing a blue collared shirt, sleeves rolled up, and jeans. Galahad and Pat on a bus heading to the pawffice. Pat is sitting on the blue bus seats and Galahad is lying underneath him with his head between Pat's feet. At Pat's parent's house, Galahad enjoys time with his family in front of a lit Christmas tree. Presents can be seen under the tree and the happy bunch looks festive.

Click on any of the images to see the full sized versions.

Blog Posts

Pat and Hogan Return to Comedy

Welcome back to Guide Dog Tales, where we are always pupped-up for good stories about fun times with our furry pals. Thanks for checking in with us during these pleasant spring days. It’s a lovely time of year, and we’re looking forward to shedding our winter coats and adding more stories to the blog.

I wanted our next entry to showcase my interest in comedy and explain how Hogan helps on stage. I’ve gotten a bit rusty over the pandemic, but Hogan and I are starting to get back into the swing of performing. “About time,” says Hogan.

Over the past few months, I’ve enrolled in two classes at the DC Improv Comedy Club. It’s a great way to get back into comedy – the atmosphere is always welcoming... [continued]

More Than Meets the Eye – Kids, Cameras, and Questions about Guide Dogs

Thanks for stopping in to sniff out our second blog post. Hogan and I are getting ready to send a few more tales your way.

In my blog bio, I mentioned that kids often have some of the best questions about guide dogs. Just a few days after posting that, I ran into a group of young students who were super interested in Hogan and wanted to know every single detail about how he helps me.

It was late October, and Hogan was leading me on our daily Capitol Hill walk. Since we’re teleworking these days, Hogan needs frequent walks around the neighborhood to get some exercise and brush up on his guide dog skills... [continued]

A Tribute to Galahad (2007 – 2021)

It is with a heavy heart I share the news that Galahad, my guide dog and great bud, recently passed away. Surrounded by his family and friends, Galahad crossed the rainbow bridge in late July. He was fourteen years old.

I’ve been trying to think of the best way to honor and celebrate my good pal since then. Mostly, I just miss the big guy. The house feels emptier. I’m used to having two guide dogs living in my house on Capitol Hill. Galahad officially retired in 2018 but, like a true friend, stuck around to keep me company and teach the ropes to my current guide dog, Hogan. The three of us roommates had a lot of fun together, with Galahad and Hogan often joining paws to play jokes on me. We shared a special bond... [continued]

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